Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Warning: strpos(): needle is not a string or an integer in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/index.php on line 61

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method arrays::explode_key() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_entry.php on line 254
Stefan's Blog - En månad kvar

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method arrays::explode_key() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_entry.php on line 254

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::file_listing() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 29

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::file_listing() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 29

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::file_listing() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 29

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::read_file() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 13

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Non-static method fileio::strip_extension() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/sgraman/blog/scripts/sb_fileio.php on line 41
En månad kvar 
Kvällens löppass blev bra. Jag känner att jag har den kondis som krävs nu, det som jag behöver träna är att hitta ett bra tempo som jag orkar hålla 10 km. Jag siktar på 7 min/km även om det blev något snabbare ikväll.

Den som följt med mina löparbloggar har nog märkt att mina milestones som jag satte upp inte gäller längre. Ovan som jag var satte jag nog upp lite konstiga mål men med kompisars goda råd har jag hittat ett bra schema ändå. Nu blir det fyra dagars vila och 10 km på lördag, därefter en runda per vecka fram till tävlingsdagen.

Till idag hade jag också köpt ett par nya skor eftersom de gamla höll på att rasa ihop, ett par Nike som kändes jättebra och jag är helt klart nöjd med dem. Fortsättning följer...

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